
i figure its pretty self-explanatory... the - water - kills...

Monday, June 25, 2007

you know what, i should write a blog

posted on myspace 19 April 2007

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you know what? i should write a blog...
Current mood: exanimate
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

oooo dreams and the supernatural..

dreams are scary, even the happy ones. cause you're lying there sleeping, having this wonderful amazing dream, and it probably involves something or someone special and happiness, then you wake up and go 'wow, that was scary... i almost believed that was real'.

you know what else is scary, insects, their oh so tiny and yet their legs go ape-sh..., seriously if we moved around as fast as insects you'd be standing outside looking off in the distance.. 'hey that looks like....' *BAM* and you're friend has already arrived, and its scary enough having people turn up at your doorstep but when they turn up really quickly, that would be really scary... i think.

you know what else is scary... demons. You're sitting their minding your own business, then this great big snorting, smoking, bulging, giant of an animal drags its carcass along the ground and attaches itself to you... and starts telling you bad stuff about yourself... thats scary.

scary is when the dog jumps up and its paws land around about your tummy-button region, but you've got a bad feeling that the dog is gonna lose its footing and probably smack you in the 'doozy' on their way back to the ground.


so thats like scary... right. cos its like super-natural. its better than natural, bigger, longer, uncut. but probably with less swearing. so supernatural is scary because its so much more than you can deal with. I mean its one thing to argue about where you came from and evolution and apes and creation and god. but supernatural... there aren't even any good explanations, its just out there... like moulder and scully, out there... like stars.... out there... like the dog.

i have a bizarre relationship with ------'s dog, she wants constant attention, i provide very little. she wants a walk, i dont have time for a walk. she wants cuddles... i think she smells... thats whats scary, when the dog licks you and you aren't quite sure yet how bad it is gonna smell, it could be regular bad-dog-smell, or it could be supernatural-bad-dog-smell, which we know from a previous paragraph is pretty scary, even just to think about.

seriously i had a dream i was a stand up comic, and it wasn't one of those 'underpants' dreams, where you're on stage in front of everyone wearing underpants and then suddenly you look down and realise the underpants situation and kinda do the freak out thing.....*coughs*.... i was on stage, i told jokes, people laughed, i told them to try the lamb, they laughed harder, that was it... actually maybe it wasn't a dream, maybe that was a nightmare... some dreams only really make sense in the context of actually being nightmares.

people say that cheese gives you nightmares... what happens when you have nightmares about cheese... is that like a supernatural nightmare...

and whats with supernatural horror movies.... oh... ooooh yeah.... m'bad.

so apparently there was a memo in 8th grade that girls were no longer evil, and that the cootie situation had been sorted out. i remember being the last to figure that out, maybe it was cos our family had a slow internet connection, i dunno. but i do remember a few years later, standing outside of a classroom, and there was this girl; she looked at me, and I looked back, but it wasn't some kind of friendly connection, she was giving me the evil-eye. who am I kidding, i don't even know what an evil-eye is... but that day did make me question the integrity of that memo. so maybe most girls have moved beyond evil, into maybe post-evil. but i guess its also possible that some are hitting evil a little later in life, so when all the other girls are being nice and have boyfriends and knit jumpers... there are some girls who are reaching prime-evil.

makes you wonder...

i had a girl smile at me the other day... that was scary.

so where are we on the cootie situation. ? anyone, anyone.

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the dog is pretending to be friendly, it has laid itself down behind the chair i am sitting on, but i think i have figured out its game, previously on '24' it has jumped to attention as soon as I have made 'getting-out-of-chair' sounds.

but i have figured out her game. and just as soon as i think i'm the smart one, she gets up and leaves.

i'm going to leave all you beautiful people with a quote, an inspirational quote... a quote of such depth and precision...

"Never argue with an idiot!
They bring you down to their level,
and then beat you with experience..."


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