
i figure its pretty self-explanatory... the - water - kills...

Monday, June 25, 2007

why you should subscribe to my blog...

posted on myspace 11 May 2007

why you should subscribe to my blog...

because, duh, otherwise you have to visit my page every week to know whether i have written anything of any value.

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So tonight i'm going out which is kinda scary cos i guess i don't get out a lot, except to go to the car and then to college/work/meet people, although the third one doesn't really count cos its part of the first two, but this time i am going out out, like out, for dinner. a group of us people who don't get out a lot decided to go out together, which could i guess be alot of fun.

our dog is still scary... today i roped it to the table so it wouldn't run away, it runs away sometimes and then neighbours bring it back, turns out the dog goes a visiting.. i guess there isn't a lot to do as a dog, other than sniffing butts and rolling in the grass, and eating biscuits, so many damn biscuits...

i would hate to live off biscuits, of course if they made meat biscuits, maybe that would be different. or beer biscuits... wait how does that even work.

this one time i walked out side and poured out a beer onto the concrete jsut to watch it dribble away... but you just can't do that with beer, oh beer elixir of life, drink of the gods. ye gods.

i had a dream about my friend last night, i remembered it when i woke up and got excited that i had remembered it, and was going to tell my friend when i saw her but then she wasn't at college today and i forgot what the dream was about, i remember it being happy though, i'm having happy dreams at the moment... i did have one scary dream though. apparently it was really scary, but i wasn't a fraid... that was weird./..

like when you're walking down the street and suddenly a 12 foot spider comes out from behind a rock and comes after you, thats scary, but imagine standing there and staring at it, and you're not scared... thats what its like... i should be really afraid, but i'm not... why is that...

sometimes i go out side and feel scared of everything, like spiders and dogs and other people, but most people seem to be really nice, and mostly confused. everyone seems confused, perhaps i should stop talking to them in foreign tongues, although i am making the effort to learn someone's language, well not really learn it but come up with sweet things to say.. you know sweet things like 'hey that chicken looks really good, can i have some?' or "have you seen my lightsaber"...

mmm chicken... imagine carving a chicken with a lightsaber... imagine... just chicken. i had chicken today. it was moist, there is nothing worse than non-moiust chicken, dry chicken... still if there was a dry chicken doing stand-up comedy, i'd laugh.. i like dry comedy, i don;t know why, maybe caose my dad is dry...
not like dried up... and maybe he's actually having a shower or swimming right now, and thats the end of that little dry-spell.


i;'ve had this little cough the last few days, it started off really cute and small, and i'm hoping one day that it will leave home and be a big cough with lots of friends and a beautiful wife and gorgeous cute little coughs of its own.

i had a furball once but it left cause i wouldn't take it for walks... turns out it wanted to see the world.

some people think there is a moon in my picture. i dont know what they are thinking, cos if that was the moon, then it would be too close to my head...

still hoping for some people to clear up the cootie situation, although i did smell a girls hair the other day, hey wait, maybe thats where the little cough came from.

her hair smelled nice though.
warm fuzzy nice...

remember apples, remember what they smell like? me neither...

sometimes i like to stand on a bridge and watch water flow underneath the bridge, you feel like you're going in all directions, travelling the speed of something fast, but then you realise you're going nowhere, so you leave the bridge and goto a cd store, beacuse i figure if you're gonna go nowhere fast then you better have some good tunes to listen to on the way.

anyway i have to go now, i should have a shower and scratch my back a little and think of pretty thigns. why? i don't know... stupid glass cage of emotions...

i think it would be neat to drive down the wrong side of the road sometime... you know to watch cars whooshing past and honking their horns, it would feel like you were going at light speed or warp speed or something similary science ficitony... why can't science fiction be science fact, then meals wouldn't take as long...




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