cos occasionally I get all poetic..and it has nothing to do with this fine shiraz...
What are you that catches my gaze
Pausing my tracks
Where has this melody begun.
Lay in gentle fields-
wind whispers a name.
This hand still aches-
we have seen new worlds
dreamed new dreams
The darkness forever shattered all over her face.
What is this mystery
A careful dance-
each note memorized
each change echoed softly softly
I sense night upon me but cannot feel it.
Mine is to sit here gently numbed-
endlessly falling
Lost in a wonderful mystery
What now.
What fools errand demands attention
Have I sinned against a name that this should befall me.
This distance
A word uttered against the wind.
Folly on any lips
Most certain.
What will come
Unknown gaze.
a finger traces across the line
silent smile of the mountains-
The cool wet grass.
a fallen joke.
five to midnight
left but a trace
to last.
What is not
broken void recedes
A narrow pass near the corner
Room is smaller than when I came in.
traffic slows-
at a certain pace
Those eyes.
Your eyes.
They turn me.